Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April's Nexts

Hi, everybody:

Just wanted to let you see the great covers of the Next books that are on the shelves this month.

Ellyn Bache's RASPBERRY SHERBET KISSES - The first kiss reminded her of raspberry sherbet…

And no man's kiss has since matched that wonderful, summery essence in all its glory. LilyRose knows her rare ability to "see" sounds and "taste" shapes—synesthesia— is a gift that defines who she is…but it's also made her an object of ridicule.

And made her an outcast. That is, until a mean-spirited customer mocks a young girl—and kindred spirit—she's befriended. Years of repression suddenly give way when LilyRose hurls a basket at that customer. And finds herself being escorted from her shop in handcuffs!

For decades LilyRose has searched for that special man who could teach her to embrace her uniqueness. She just didn't expect to find him waiting to pick her up from jail….

And Merline Lovelace's EX MARKS THE SPOT...

Forced to leave her beloved military life behind at the ripe old age of thirty-seven, USAF Colonel Andrea (Andi) Armstrong comes to the Florida panhandle for a fresh start. Little did she know—at least until that auspicious knock on her next-door neighbor's door—that there were some things about her old life she wasn't quite finished with yet.

And evidently, if the expression on his love-struck face was any indication, her ex-husband, Colonel Dave Armstrong—aka said next-door neighbor—wasn't quite finished with her yet either. Hmm. Who was it who said the best is yet to come? Maybe there was something to that after all….
Don't forget to pick them up.


The Sidhe said...

I wanted to let you guys know...there's a rumor over on the eharlequin thread that NEXT is stopping publication. No one's refuted it yet, but I check out your blog on a regular basis! I didn't know if you guys wanted to head over there, but I noticed there are releases off into 2008 from you guys!

Kate Austin said...

Hi, just wanted to let you know that whatever rumors you're hearing about Next are wrong.

Send them over to us and we'll be more than happy :) to refute them.
